With the rise of the iPhone/iPad and similar mobile/tablet devices, we literally have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. The increased popularity of these devices, along with the clear advantages they bring to our daily live’s brought along a change in the way web design agencies now approach the design and development of their website projects. The cool kids are calling it ‘Responsive Web Design(RWD)’, which in short means: the way in which a website is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience across a range of devices i.e desktop, mobile & tablet, whilst still remaining – easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)
Now we’re not running a web design blog here, but if you wish to learn more about RWD you can do so here and we’ll move back to the main focus, a surprising new report by Web Based Recruitment reveals that the online recruitment industry is yet to really embrace this new phase of responsive/mobile websites. The report highlights the results of a survey conducted on the FTSE top 100 websites, which showed that only 5% had a careers/recruitment section which was fully optimised for mobile devices.
Given the fact that 28% of internet usage is from a mobile phone, failing to accomodate such a large sub-set of visitors could mean that potential candidates find your websites hard to navigate and move onto the next(or even your competitor). Therefore, if feasible and it correlates with business objectives it would be wise for online recruitment companies to take a step forward and join the mobile revolution.