Struggling to keep up with all your employment needs? You need a recruiter. The same is true if the candidates you are finding aren’t living up to your expectations.
Trouble is, some recruiters don’t always solve this problem. The candidates they place might not even match up to your list of must-haves, never mind your company culture.
At Net-Recruit, we make it our number one priority to only field candidates who are perfect for you. If you’re unfamiliar with the recruitment process or, more specifically, a recruiter that merges technological solutions with a human touch, here’s how we work…
We understand your business goals
No recruiter can offer you a legitimate solution unless they fully comprehend what it is that you’re trying to achieve. By that, we mean your objectives, ideal customers and company culture.
It is in this research that your ambition becomes clear and we can then fine-tune our approach so as to only attract those who will add true value to your organisation.
We create a specification with you
From here, we can create a job specification together. We’ll distil your ambition and help you to detail a role that prevents any confusion during the subsequent application process.
Only by doing this in tandem can we ensure that the advertisement best represents your brand and inspires the best candidates to put their CV forward.
We write tailor-made job ads
Here’s where the human element of our service really kicks in. Most recruitment software solutions use algorithms to create their messaging – we don’t.
We know that top-quality candidates can tell an automated message from a real one, and that you want to put across a consistent voice across everything you do. So, we’ll capture every element of your vacancy and the company behind it, and then articulate it in bite-sized job ad chunks.
We suggest a hiring strategy
Once we’ve tweaked the messaging, we’ll start planning the best means of distributing your job adverts and steadily optimising them.
Specifically, we’ll discuss the value of each platform you wish to appear on – from job boards to aggregator sites – and we’ll pinpoint where, when and how your particular ads should appear.
We monitor Pipe™ software
We don’t push your ads out there and hope for the best. We give you accurate reports of the success of each campaign. Using our Pipe™ software, we’re able to monitor the most engaging messages and the job sites that work best for your brand.
Pipe™ is more than applicant tracking software – it’s an insight into who your brand appeals towards and how best you can attract them. We’ll then further hone every message that’s working, and either remove or improve every one that isn’t.
Now, you can sit back and leave the hard work to the team. We’ll review each application by hand and filter through them all according to your brief.Using the feedback of other clients, we’ve managed to turn the industry upside down and become pioneers in recruitment. So why not get in touch and discover how we can put your people first? Simply give us a call on 01457 856 270 or send a message through our contact form.